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Tarot Simplified
Week 1 | Welcome!
What is Tarot?
Setting the Stage
Book & Deck Recommendations
Community Support - Telegram
Zodiac Sign + House Breakdown
Week 2 | Minor Arcana
What is the Minor Arcana?
What Are the Court Cards?
Deck Interview Spread
4 Suits Tarot Spread (12:06)
Minor Arcana Run-Through (50:10)
Week 3 | Swords
Swords (35:58)
2 of Swords Spread
8 of Swords Spread
Week 4 | Cups
Cups (40:00)
Week 5 | Wands
Wands (34:22)
8 of Wands Spread
Week 6 | Pentacles
Pentacles (33:42)
Week 7 | Major Arcana
What is the Major Arcana?
The Fools Journey (54:21)
0 - The Fool
Week 8 | The Magician - The Chariot
The Magician - The Chariot (31:22)
Week 9 | Strength - Temperance
Strength - Temperance (31:35)
Week 10 | The Devil - The World
The Devil - The World (40:52)
Tarot Spreads
The Situation Spread
The Year Ahead Spread
Energy Check-In Spread
Make a Decision Spread
Past Life Reading Spread
All Basis Check-In Spread
Recentering Spread
Inner Child Spread
Daily Check-In Spread
All Around Spread
What's Next Spread
The Celtic Cross with a Twist Spread
Tarot Simplified Q&A - Minor Arcana Recap 03.14.24 (replay) (101:47)
Past Life Reading Spread Virtual Meetup 03.25.24 (replay) (93:46)
Homework Recap, Games & Practice Readings 04.9.24 (replay) (101:20)
Major Arcana Recap + Holding Hands Game 04.30.24 (replay) (89:40)
Virtual Tarot Meetup - Human Design Spread 07.02.24 (replay) (88:17)
Games & Practice Readings
Tarot Reading Practice Examples
“Holding Hands” Practice Readings (16:51)
The Situation Spread
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